Tender Heart Healing

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Why You are Overdue for a Reiki Session

Reiki energy healing has become more well known as a therapeutic modality since I begin healing sessions in 2015, but there can still be some uncertainty about the benefits and when to actually seek out this type of healing.


I once had a client describe intuitive energy healing as a “massage for your emotions”, leaving you feeling lighter, connected, and rejuvenated. While Reiki is not actually massage or manipulative body work, it is a powerful way to get in touch with your emotions and needs.


Natural, safe, and personalized, Reiki works with your body’s regular energy process to trigger healing and feel more like yourself. I like to think of Reiki and energy work as using Windex on a dirty window: Reiki clears away the stuck, stagnant energy to reveal the shiny, joyful, true energy of you underneath.


So how do you know if YOU would benefit from a Reiki healing session? Here are a few telltale signs that your energy needs some lovin’:


1.     Everything feels heavy.

Photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash 

And I’m not just talking about pandemic pounds…Your emotions feel lethargic, your energy levels sluggish. Normal activities feel arduous, and your usual zest for life has turned into dragging yourself from place to place.  This heaviness is clear signal that you’ve been holding on to things that aren’t serving you, and it’s time for your energy to get a Reiki refresh.  


2.     Stress is holding your brain hostage.

Hard time falling asleep? Difficulty focusing? Has your brain been replaced by a hamster running around in a wheel, very busy but not going anywhere? Stress is often the culprit for all these scenarios.  A Reiki session not only shoos out the hamster, but also gives you tools to keep him at bay.


3.     Resentment for everyone.

A good friend, child, or loving partner may ask a simple question, and it feels like they’ve just casually asked you to lend your kidney. A classic sign of over-giving: You’ve over-extended your generous efforts and forgot to put yourself on the list. Everyone’s happiness seems to come before yours, and you finally feel so frayed, drained, and emptied you can’t give anymore. It’s time to take care of you.


4.     Your usual “feel-better-go-to’s” aren’t cutting it.

Photo by Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash 

Maybe it’s sweating it out at the gym, sipping a tasty glass of wine, or zoning out with TV. Either way, you aren’t feeling the typical relief from these activities. Reiki heals beyond the surface level issues and works with your emotional, mental, and spiritual self. This type of stuckness is hard to describe until you’re in it! But so many of my clients have described it over the years I make sure to mention it in case it resonates.


5.     Ch-ch-ch-changes.

Life happens, and sometimes in really big ways. If you’ve lost a loved one, endured surgery or illness, made a big move, quit a job, or left a long-term relationship, chances are you need some serious energy healing and recalibrating.

All of these life events carry their own energy with them. Reiki and energy work are really powerful ways to heal those emotions, traumas, or events by releasing what isn’t serving you so that you can move into the next chapter of your life with confidence, ease, and joy.


6.     Life feels out of control:

Photo by Barthelemy de Mazenod on Unsplash 

“Why is this all happening to me?”  Feeling like an observer in your own life makes for disconnected and chaotic energy. Everything feels like it is going wrong, and it’s all happening to you. Any control or perspective you once had has given way to feelings of being overwhelmed, pushed around, and spiraling out-of-hand. Reiki empowers you to take control of your life, and helps illuminate new perspectives that allow you to regain focus and calm.


7.     Avoiding crowds and people.

This goes deeper the habits of introvert or extrovert. If you find yourself avoiding crowds, family, friends, or group scenarios it might mean your natural boundaries are weakened, too fluid, or over exhausted. You may feel powerless to the whims & energies of others, or especially drained by other people. A Reiki healing session is a great way to reset and strengthen your boundaries so you can get back in the social groove.


8.     Stuck like glue.

You get the sense that something is hanging on to you…a past traumatic event, an old lover, or even a coworker who sees you as her only confidant. Many times, we hold on to past energies or other people’s problems without realizing it.  If the negative energy around you doesn’t feel like your own, it probably isn’t. Time to shed what doesn’t belong to you with an energy clearing session.


So how can Reiki actually help with any of these uncomfortable symptoms? Almost all of the signs listed above happen because of energetic imbalance. Prioritizing the needs of others, carrying extra energetic “weight”, or neglecting the emotional & spiritual self all tilt our energetic scales. Reiki shifts and adjusts your energy so life can feel balanced again. 


Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash 

Whether you book a session with me or another practitioner, Reiki healing sessions vary greatly depending on your needs and the energy of your healer. In general, though, Reiki simply means “Universal Energy”, and at its core is the Reiki practitioner channeling energy from the greater “source” and flowing to you.


This could look like silent meditation while the practitioner balances chakras and clears away energy, or it could be more interactive with the healer speaking with you and asking you to follow along while they describe what is going on in your energy field.


I always recommend making sure you feel comfortable with the energy of your practitioner, and if you don’t, that’s ok! We all have different vibrations that resonate with us at different times and for various needs.


Listen to your intuition when it comes to booking an energy healing session. You know yourself and body best, so trust where your curiosity leads you!


If you’d like to work with me and do a session virtually or in-person, you can find my session calendar HERE and learn a bit more about me and Reiki HERE.